Friday 10 July 2015

Survey: Obsessions

 Lois and I posted a survey on Survey Monkey.
Mind Map

We are going to interview people who have a certain obsession or are passionate about something.
What they get out of them, how it surrounds their daily lives, what sort of activities they do which focus around them.

The documentary mode of our 3MW would be an expository documentary because they expose a person, and it will contain facts, questions and opinions.

The primary target audience for the documentary would be teenagers/students people aged between 15-19 years old, our secondary audience would be adults who were aged from 20-30 years old because they might also share an interest into the topic.

The aim of our documentary would be to portray people's obsessions and highlight certain things that people deeply enjoy so the public could see a different side of people and possibly feel more confident to express their personal obsession themselves.

We will be filming in two locations one will be one of the interviewees home and the other will be in a dark room at college then the other outside on a bench, we will need to travel to the interviewees home but it is only about 5 minutes from my home so i will not have to pay for transport to and from that location. For college it will be our usual transport of a bus there and back so it will not have to be placed in our budget. 

The only people we will need for our production is ourselves and the interviewee as it is not a big production where there needs to be various crew on set, i will only need the camera the tripod and the notes with the questions on them to ask.

The documentary would mostly consist of questions because it is the mode we are going for the questions consist of 'if you could ask people with obsessions questions what would they be?' and 'do you have anything you are passionate about?'

With equipment and props there isn't much which is needed props will be the things that are in the background of the shot for example room furniture or outside furniture.

The proposed budget for this production is nothing because there isn't anything that needs to be bought for the production as it is all already self own.

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